Compressed air is one of the most important utilities for industry, which also makes it one of the largest consumers of energy. Managing your compressed air systems is key to reducing energy usage and, therefore your impact on the environment.
Join us as Allan Dolby from Direct Air shares his expertise and answers your questions on everything compressed air. You can submit your questions
We have co-created three webinars with Direct Air, which we encourage you to watch so you can make the most of the live Q&A with Allan. Session One: Leak Detection and Data Logging
Daniel Murphy from Direct Air provides an overview of the sustainability and efficiency of compressed air systems. Compressed air is one of the most energy intensive utilities in industry, which also makes it one of the most climate intensive utilities. Agenda:
- What is compressed air and why is it important to think about
- Why is data logging effective and how does it work
- Compressed air leaks
- Why is identifying leaks important
- Leak detection
- How to address air leaks
- Case study
- Maintaining low energy consumption
Session Two: Heat Recovery
Compressed air is one of the most important utilities for industry, which also makes it one of the largest consumers of energy. Richard Brown from Direct Air gives an overview of what role compressed air heat recovery plays in energy savings, business costs and environmental impact.
Agenda: - Why consider heat recovery?
- How much heat can be recovered?
- How can heat be regenerated?
- Applications for heat recovery
- Heat recovery installation
- Case study
Session Three: Repair or Replace?
It’s easy to overlook the compressor on your workshop floor, and not give it the attention it needs. This can lead to costly and unexpected downtime in your production facility. Downtime of compressors can be largely attributed to technical faults, the age of the machinery, misuse by employees, external damage and poor maintenance.
In this session, Georgia Lucas from Direct Air takes us through what signs to look out for, and whether repairing or replacing is the best solution for your facility.
Agenda: What signs to look out for when considering repair or replace
What to consider when choosing to repair or replace
Purchasing a new compressor How to best maintain and maximise use of a compressor